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419 Occidental Avenue
419 Occidental Avenue
Located in downtown Seattle, the 419 Occidental Ave. building was redeveloped to bring the 1906 warehouse into the 21st century without losing a connection to its history. To reference past external fire escapes and to meet current egress requirements, the architects brought the stairwell outside, using a combination of non-rated glass curtain walls and fire-rated door and window assemblies to flo...

Featured Project
Roux Center for the Environment, Bowdoin College
Roux Center for the Environment, Bowdoin College
The Roux Center for the Environment at Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine, is designed to facilitate a new way of learning, teaching and scholarship. Built to meet the highest level of U.S. Green Building Council standards — LEED Platinum — the Roux Center for the Environment is also Bowdoin College’s greenest building to date. Just as importantly, it provides a high level of fire and life safety...

Featured Project
929 Office Tower
929 Office Tower
With a sleek, upscale aesthetic and strong corner presence in one of Bellevue, Washington’s, premier, mixed-use districts, LMN Architect’s 929 Office Tower is attracting big name tenants like the cloud-computing giant Salesforce. Many of these occupants will walk past its stylish glass-clad exterior on their way to work every day without realizing it provides critical protection against the spread...

Featured Project
Harris Technology Center
Harris Technology Center
Architects have relied on structural silicone glazing (SSG) for decades to create dramatic curtain walls with a frame-free exterior surface. Now, that same aesthetic is available with fire-rated curtain walls, as showcased in the Harris Corporation’s new Technology Center.